Company | Global Shopper


It would be easy to tell you that we are a technology behemoth (at least we think so), that our tools help customers in a variety of industries across the planet, but instead of telling you what we do, we’ve decided to tell you what we believe in.

We believe that shopping is huge part of a great vacation, and that at Global Shopper, we love connecting travelers with unique places to eat, stay, relax, explore along with great offers, rewards and discounts.

Who is Global Shopper?

Global Shopper was the back end operating system for Miami Beach’s INcard, the official mobile rewards program for South Beach, with over 450 participating vendors and over 300,000 subscribers.  Our years operating that program has allowed us to use that experience and knowledge build the Global Shopper system for travelers.

Why Global Shopper?

Cause we are relentless masters of innovation.  Isn’t that enough?

We don’t trick you with creative, we indulge you with simplicity backed up by world-class business strategies from our powerful data.  Want creativity? Hire a creative guy.  If you want to meet your business, marketing and financial goals while allowing customers to shop in a safe and peaceful way, call us. Better yet, just shoot us an email at

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